Internet Marketing Tips to Get Web Site Traffic & Keep Them Coming Back
by: Jack Elmy
Are you wondering how you can drive more traffic to your website without investing a small fortune in SEO or marketing consultation firms? While at some point, it is wise to invest in some professional services; there are a couple of things you can do on your own to drive customers to your site that are relatively inexpensive if not downright free.
Internet Marketing Tip 1: The Internet is called the ‘information superhighway’ for a reason. The average web surfer is looking for information, not a product to purchase. They may be persuaded to stop and buy something along the way, but for the most part they simply want answers to their questions and they want it fast. In today’s ‘want it now’ society, your target audience doesn’t read web pages, they scan them. With so much information available an experienced web surfer knows they must scan a page, look for relevant information and move on if they don’t see what they need. Providing interesting web content may be enough to lure a customer to your site, but it might not be enough to convince them to stay; especially if it isn’t placed in an interesting and highly visible layout. Use short paragraphs that are easy and quick to read. Utilize bold print to highlight the most important information.
Internet Marketing Tip 2: Consider offering a free service that is beneficial to the consumer. Offer free update services, a newsletter or an e-zine. If you’re worried that this may be too time consuming, put your fears aside. You can obtain free services that will notify you when someone has signed up for your newsletter and through the use of a distribution list on your e-mail you can easily handle circulation for your newsletter or e-zine. Keep in mind, however; when you are putting together your newsletter or e-zine that the only reason a consumer has for signing up and continuing to subscribe to your publication is for worthy information. Don’t allow your publication to become a forum for advertising. Provide information that is of real benefit to the reader and that convinces them to re-visit your site. In order to really make a quality publication make sure you include a privacy statement and provide a link in the publication for the customer to unsubscribe at any time if they wish.
Driving traffic to your website doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive; it simply requires a little creativity. Try implementing an Internet marketing tip mentioned above. There’s no reason to lag behind in the race for customers when you have the power to drive customers to your site within reach.
About the author:
The author, Jack Elmy, markets paid survey affiliate products on his Web site at
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